Businesses and Shops
Businesses and shops are available to use and roleplay with at your heart's discretion. These are hubs for roleplay, and having people who own and run them allows for more interesting roleplay than just having NPC's do everything. It is a simple first come, first serve for who gets to run what. The only exception is if you don't log in for several weeks and someone wants to take the place you are not really running. We won't hold places if you cannot be around to actually run the place. That said, we also encourage sim events which you can message any admin if you need help setting up. Be it a grant opening, massive BBQ, hiring events, or whatever else you can think of. If you want to further decorate, rename, or just completely restyle the shop you're working at, feel free to message an admin and we can work to make the place look more fitting. If you want to run a shop that you don't see listed, feel free to grab one of the many shop-rentals on sim and set up whatever you'd like. Admins are available and more than happy to help set up anything you might need assistance with.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of the admin team or ping us on discord!