Sim Lore
There are four pillars of creation. Aether, Void, Veil, and Pale. Each of these pillars had a part to play in the creation of the Physical Plane. Which is where you are. Earth. Tera. Tera was the focal point for the four pillars. A planet that contained a high concentration of magic within it. And life flourished in part thanks to this magic. Amongst that life were humans. Some of which could harness magic to great extend. All of the four were interested in the humans, but if they were to fight over them, then Tera would likely have been destroyed. So they agreed to step back, and let the humans grow on their own.
Though none of them kept their side of the bargain. Each of the four corners slipped in, a few here and there trying to manipulate humans. Change their course so they would become more akin to their realm. This influence threatened to break the masquerade, and someone needed to put them in order. That is where the witches and hunter's come from. Witches and Wizards were powerful humans who managed to master Arcana. They worked with the four pillars to create the treaty to allow humans to decide their own fate. Part of this agreement was the magic users keeping regular humans oblivious to the truth. This meant they had to keep the four under control, keep them from interfering.
It quickly became apparent that with the advancement of technology, that it would quickly become impossible to hide forever. Especially as none of the four ever truly respected the agreement to not interfere. As such, only a few months ago the Masquerade was dropped. Witches, Hunters, and Supernaturals spoke with World Leaders around the globe, and it was agreed that war was the worst possible outcome for everyone. So they would be allowed to live alongside humans. But not all were so keen on accepting this change. That creatures had been manipulating them from the shadows. To give their land, rights, and freedoms to these monsters. While the law protects supernaturals, it does not stop vigilante hunter's from seeking out and eliminating every single one they find. Because of this, it is not uncommon to find some supernatural creatures who wish to still disguise themselves as humans, or even hide away from them.

The Aether is a plane of order. Law. Consistency. Belief. The Aether is where the Celestials reside. When humans were found, it was the Aether that taught them law and order. Helped create great societies of progress and safety. The belief of humans is what forged many of the realms within the Aether. The Norse and their believes created the realm of Asgard and Valhalla. The Abrahamic Prophets spread the word that created the High Heavens. The Yokai, Angels, Asgardians, and others.. They slipped in to keep faith and order alive, despite the Treaty of the Four. And they continue to spread various forms of belief. Encouraging humans to conform to society and law.

The Void is a plane of chaos. Disorder. Change. Passion. The Void is where the Voidspawn reside. When humans were found, it was the Void that brought them sin. The idea itself was a warped construct of the very teachings of the Aether. Yes, society exists now. But why must you conform? Why work so hard to never achieve what the leaders of society have. Greed, lust, gluttony, envy, despair. The Void drove humans to break societal standards. To live life how each individual wanted. The Eldritch, Demonic, Voidspawn, and others.. They slipped in to keep passion and chaos alive, despite the Treaty of the Four. And they continue to spread various forms of chaos. Encouraging humans to break standards and make the best of what they can be, and seek to take what they want by force.

The Veil is a plane of life. Elements. Flow. Birth. The Veil is where the Faeries reside. When humans were found, it was the Veil that brought them to nature. Taught them how to live along side it. Trading offerings in exchange for good harvests. Teaching them to befriend beasts, turning rabid wolves into hunting hounds to live in unison. Though the veil is anything if predictable. Faeries kidnapping, hunting, and even changing humans into half beast creatures such as Minotaurs, and even going so far as to create the curse of lycanthropy. Thankfully, the treaty keeps the greater and more powerful of the Veil from changing things further. The Faeries, Elementals, Beastmen, and others still slip in to play games, hunt, or even help out those that still respect them. They don't seem to have greater goals like the Void, other than protecting life itself.

The Pale is a plane of death. Entropy. Spirits. Decay. The Pale is where the Reapers reside. When humans were growing, they quickly begun to outpace the growth of every other creature on earth. The Pale defined entropy. That humans would decay over time. That death would claim them regardless. But humans fought this. Liches seeking immortal life. Necromancers raising the dead to due their bidding. Vampirism created to keep a spirit in a never-rotting form that sustains itself off the blood of the living. These creatures and many others are the reason the Reapers, Wisps, Ferrymen, and others were forced to slip back in. To try to protect and guide the spirits to the afterlife, and keep the cycle of life and death in balance.