Sim Rules & Expectation
You must follow Second Life Terms of Service (TOS) at all times. Anyone found to be breaking TOS will be removed immediately with no warning.
This is an adult-rated sim. All players must be over 18 and all characters must look and act over 18. Excessively young-looking avatars will be asked to change or be removed. This does include mesh/prim babies or children, who count as NPCs. This rule is non negotiable, and child avatars will be removed immediately with no warning.
No pregnancy on sim. See Rule #2
No Godmoding. This is making your character unbeatable by reasonable means. Refer to Character Creation Rule #6
No Powergaming. You may not force a scene to go a way you want when others do not want it to go that way. You may not guilt or threaten others to roleplay the way you want. This is not tolerated. Period.
No Metagaming. Information acquired out of character is /not/ information acquired in character. If you're outside a building, and see someone's post from inside.. You did not get that. If you did not post into a scene, you do not see what's going on.
Be respectful of others on sim, in group chats, and on Discord. Harassment, abuse, griefing, and general bad behavior will lead to removal. ​All group chats should remain civil. Please avoid religious or political discussion.
What an Admin says goes. Admin hopping (going to every admin, hoping to find one who gives you a pass) for any reason is not allowed. If you have a personal issue with an admin, please report it to the Sim Owner for review.
Keep OOC chatter in ((OOC)) brackets when in IC areas. Use IMs for extensive discussion.
Roleplay is freeform, turn-based, and should follow general RP etiquette. No HUDs are required. But a simple dice hud is more than welcome. Combat should be done in an agreed upon form. If you cannot agree on a combat, then you should not have combat.
If you provoke other players by insulting, stealing, or harassing them, then expect combat to be required or to agree to a freeform loss. See Rule #13
Respect player limits, but no hiding behind consent. See Rule #13 You may Fade-to-Black (FTB) if uncomfortable with an RP.
IC actions lead to IC consequences. Frequent circumventing will lead to a warning, followed by a ban. Example: You rob a store but refuse to roleplay with police and go hide in a rental or leave sim.
Consent is required for attacking, injuring, or general physical disruption of another character, home, or business. This includes sexual assault as well as vandalism to businesses and homes.
Spamming gestures, particles, or noise is not allowed and may be considered griefing. Any talking attachments that constantly post in chat should be removed or disabled.
Entry into private rentals is not allowed unless you have permission from the renter. OOC invasion will result in a warning/suspension. IC invasions must have consent, or the roleplay may be voided.
Nudity is allowed. But if you go streaking, expect to be put in a jail cell or a padded room. See Rule #13.
No 'Real World' politics in this world. This is secondlife, a place of escapism and freedom. No one wants to Roleplay covid, war, or political turmoil. No exceptions.