Sim Owner
You can call me Sam. I'm the one running this crazy place. I trust my admins, and hope they earn everyone's trust as well. This means that I expect people to go to admins when they have issues, and not just bombard my IM's when an issue arises. If you have an issue with an admin, then please contact me directly. Otherwise, I'm just the dorky old tootin' falootin' man who loves his bbq, loves his friends, and want to have a world we can all enjoy and have fun in.
Secondlife Contact: Samasue Resident
Discord Contact: Samasue#6725

Sim Admin
Sup. I'm Woven. I'm just a comic junkie, a gamer, and I'm pretty well versed on movies and some TV and anime. Anything with a good story I can sink my teeth into. I can be a bit quiet at times, but that doesn't mean I am unapproachable. Just quiet. I tackle pretty much any issue that comes up. Help with the discord server, address complaints, concerns, all that fun stuff. So don't be afraid to drop an IM if you have any issues with the sim. Look forward to roleplaying with you soon.
Secondlife Contact: Iikuaiasiin Resident
Discord Contact: ᴡᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏᴠᴇɴ#5677

Sim Admin
Hello! I'm Amelia, or Kaiya to most. I am the one who's written up the lore, and done all the work making the website. (Woven did all the pretty artwork!) But that aside, I'm just the overly playful chick who likes to write stories and hopes people enjoy the crazy tales I weave. I am more than willing to help settle disputes, answer questions, and even assist in making/editing characters to better fit the sim if you're having trouble. Feel free to message me any time, and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Secondlife Contact: Hotarru Resident
Discord Contact: Ember 🔥#6518
Sim Admin
Hi, I'm Vivid, or Phee, or Pheebs. I usually handle the day-to-day communications aspect of things as well as keeping morale high in times of trouble. Other than handling admin duties, I'm always down to talk music or gaming, and I am a die-hard roleplay junkie ever since I wandered into chatplanet's GDR at 14. I'm at my computer most of the time, so if you need me for anything, don't worry and just send a message.
Secondlife Contact: Vividempress Nebula
Discord Contact: Vivid Empress#4937

Sim Admin
Hello there, I'm Aea, better known around the sim as Solista, but I also play a few other characters. Mostly I am the lead builder of the sim. I don't just build, but I admin too! That's right, I'm also an admin, and as such, am one of the people you can look to should a problem or situation come up. We all try to be fair and to work to our strengths to best help our community. I am looking forward to meeting, working with and playing with you all.
Secondlife Contact: Mistressbubbles Bondar
Discord Contact: Estelle#6391

Special Thanks
Non-Admins who went above and beyond to help the sim come alive.
Mariko Mori
Joined us back when the sim was just an idea in our heads, and has made sure the discord was always boosted.
Assisted with the funding of the sim purchase far before the sim was ever ready, and believed in us to get things done.
Major problem solver and assitant builder. Responsible for keeping the builder sane when things got stressful!
Lemony Nova
Helped build the forest level, upload pictures, and give free advertisement while refusing to take any form of payment.
Imp Trollop
Provided inspiration and support during the rough draft of the sim, back before everything got real.
Lighthearted little well of ideas and optimism that kept us from giving up when real life got stressful for the admins.