Character Creation Guidelines
Races fall into one (or more) of the five categories typically. Void, Veil, Aether, Pale, or Terra. There is no defined rules of behavior, appearance, or anything of that sort regarding any of the five. It's mostly a plot hook, so feel free to read the lore on the sim to decide things! Though for standard rule of thumb, demons, voidlings, sins, monstrosities, or anything of more chaotic style tend to be from the Void. Faeries, elves, elementals, beastmen and things of more lively nature style tend to be from the Veil. Angels, Celestials, Yokai, Clerics and things of heavenly style tend to be from the Aether. And Liches, Undead, Reapers, Vampires, and things of the undead persuasion tend to be of the Pale. Tera is creatures of earth. Humans. Hunters. Witches. We try to keep it simple, but ask an admin if you need help with it! It is possible to be from or associated with more than one realm.
Character Sheet. We don't require you to submit a character sheet for review, but we do require you have one made and on hand so that we may review it if you're accused of powergaming, godmoding, or making a character far to powerful to be any form of realistic. Your character sheet should follow a simple template of two weaknesses to every three strengths. For simplicity, view the chart bellow.
Strengths 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
weaknesses 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6
You may also add skills and flaws to your character. It is important to note the difference between a flaw and a weakness. Being scared of dogs is not a weakness, that is a flaw. Being highly vulnerable to silver is a weakness.
This being said, there are reasonable upper limits to what your character should be capable of. So please keep these simple rules in mind while creating characters.
Simple Rules To Follow
You may not play pre-existing characters of fiction, religion, folklore, history, media, or any real life people. No, you may not be Odin the Allfather.
You may not play god-like characters.
You may not have godlike strength, speed, power, or defenses. We'll trust you to be reasonable. If we receive complaints, you may be asked to change.
No matter how strong your character is, you need to be capable of losing. Saying "I cannot be harmed by magic, or physical attacks." will not work.
No matter how strong your character is, you still need consent.
If your character could not possibly be beaten by a human with access to anything a human hunter could realistically be prepared with, they are probably not okay. Dragons, demons, lycans, fae, vampires, and zombies are undoubtedly stronger than humans. But all have been bested by humans before.
Creatures must have weaknesses if they are obvious to that races. Lycan's with silver. Fae with iron. Vampires with sunlight. This is negotiable if you wish to speak to an admin, please feel free. Daywalker vampires are a thing, afterall.
Questions and Answers
Do I have to choose one of the five realms?
You would given the lore of the sim, but it's not required for your character sheet nor your background. It's background lore more than enforced character rules. Just keep it in your head in case someone asks.
Can I have more weaknesses than I need?
Absolutely. As long as you have the minimum requirement, you can tack on as many extras as you like.
I think someone's character sheet is overpowered. What do I do?
If you feel someone is powergaming, godmoding, or just playing a broken character, feel free to contact an admin about the situation. We will review. Do not take matters into your own hands.
What if I want to be a creature listed from one group, but I want to be from another.
Example: A faerie of the Pale.
That is perfectly fine. We made the groups as a standard for lore that allows you to create a character with the most freedom we could possibly allow. If you want to be a death faerie, go for it. Want to be a Fallen Angel from the Aether that now resides in the void? By all means.
What if I want to play a human, but one who goes to the other planes of existence?
This is also fine. You may even want to play having gotten strange characteristics from them, such as a human going to the veil and coming back with bunny ears! Or the void, and coming back with black eyes and horns.
The rules on what we can do seem very loose. Is there no structure here?
That is by design. We want people to make any character as freely as they want. Too many sims require demons to be bad guys, or faeries to be chaotic pranksters. Play what you want, how you want. All we're concerned with is that you play nice, and play fair.
Example Character Sheet
Bellow is an example of what a character sheet should look like. Keep in mind some pieces are optional.
Name: Kaiya Otelier
Race: Kumiho/Fire Nymph (Fae)
Age(Optional): 327
Alignment(Optional): Chaotic Good
Fire Elemental: True form is fire, and thus she can not be burned. While in her true form, she cannot be cut, beaten, or grappled. She also has rapid regeneration as long as she is in a large enough fire to fuel her.
Part Fox: She has heightened senses on par with that of a fox, including dark vision, sensitive hearing, and far above normal reaction times.
Veil-stepping: As long as she has access to dense nature or a large enough flame, she can leap into them to vanish into the Veil. Disappearing from sight onto another plane of existence.
Animalistic: Being part beast, she has claws, fangs, and incredibly high movement speed.
Shapeshifting: She may transform herself into a fox as well.
Witch's Familiar: Went through a ritual binding her to a witch (Fiona Otelier) and is able to share senses and has far more energy when beside her than she does when she is alone as well as having access to her witch's magic (lightning) when she needs it.
Fae Illusion: She can craft minor visual and auditory illusions including faking the appearance of cloths when she is naked. Disguising herself as another. Mimicking the voices of others. Or creating minor images such as flames, small objects, or critters.
Fae Deals: Kaiya can offer trades of things not normally tradable, such as senses, emotions, and skills. Your ability to see the color red. Your short-fused anger. Your memory of your childhood sweetheart. If she asks if she can have your attention, never say yes. She will leave you with ADHD.
Kumiho's Eyes: She has the ability to entrance most unguarded minds. Not outright control such as compulsion, but to send them into a relaxed state and making them more agreeable. This does not work on a target already hostile to her, nor can she use it to convince someone to do something they wouldn't normally do.
Fire Elemental: She is flame, and whether she is in her fire form or not, she is completely susceptible to water. Splashing her with it is akin to throwing acid on someone. Completely dousing her in water will mostly likely kill her. Rain is a no-go.
Animalistic: She is part beast, and as such can succumb to primal instincts when she experiences Fight or Flight situations. She thinks far less clearly, and default to base instincts, avoiding higher intelligence in her decision making.
Kumiho's Hunger: The nature of what she is causes a hunger she can only fend off for so long. She must eat hearts to survive, or she will succumb to her Animalistic instincts, and attempt to maul the closest target to feed. This can be negated with magical means if she can find a magical substitute to hearts.
Fae Nature: As a fae, she is highly susceptible to iron. Touching iron will sear her flesh like a hot iron. Being beat with iron will wrack her body with crippling pain. Being pierces with iron will poison her and leave her in a weakened state for days. Iron will stop rapid healing and fae illusions.
Small Frame: Despite her heightened speed, senses, and agility. She is physically weak. And her fae body is easily broken. She is fast, but can not take a hit. An average human could easily overpower her if they manage to grab her.
Part Fox: Her tails and ears are incredibly sensitive, and anyone grabbing hold of them will find her quickly forfeiting any form of fight. Like grabbing a cat by the scruff. Total shutdown.
Witch's Pet: She is bound to the witch Fiona Otelier, and as such is incapable of harming her. The Witch she is bound to can drain her of her energy on a whim, as well as summon her away from any activity she is doing (unless she is in combat/captivity).
Truth bound: Kaiya cannot knowingly speak a falsehood, break her word, break a deal, and generally just cannot lie. She can, however, bend wording and phrasing to deceive you. She's a lawyer, basically.
True Name: Anyone who learns her true name may control her. She may not disobey any order invoked with her true name, even if the order is to take her own life.
Kaiya is incredibly skilled and proficient in making tea, and serving in a Japanese Tea Ceremony fashion.
Kaiya is a well trained Geisha, allowing her to dance, perform, and serve at a very professional level.
Kaiya knows how to play both the guitar and the shamisen.​​
Kaiya is cripplingly terrified of wolves, lycans, dogs, or anything that would make her think they are nearby such as kennels or howling.
Kaiya is directionally challenged. She could not find her way out of a burning paper bag.
Kaiya does not understand technology, and no matter how hard you try to teach her. Why did she bring a plate of cookies to the computer? ..The webpage said it wanted cookies. Duh.